NewVision OldWays
Discover the NewVision OldWays podcast—a bridge between ancient wisdom and our modern lives. Explore forgotten philosophies and timeless theologies, reimagined for today’s challenges. From Confucius to smartphones, we unravel the threads of history and weave them into our present tapestry. Tune in for a fresh perspective on age-old questions and let's change the world together.
NewVision OldWays
Ep 28: Growth in Life's Transitional Moments: The Power of Liminal Spaces
NewVision OldWays Podcast
Ep 28: Growth In Life's Transitional Moments: The Power of Liminal Spaces
Host: Tony Marinaccio //
Join me as I explore the so very important moments of Life's Transitions otherwise know as Liminal Spaces. These are the moments that set the stage for what's to come next in our lives and we cannot underestimate how important this time is.
When we are in these - Liminal moments, it is crucial that we take control and see the opportunities around us. Many time's we let the darkness creep in and cloud our minds and we cannot see what great things are coming. I want to give us the tools to thrive in these moments and that's what this episode will help us do.
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