NewVision OldWays
Discover the NewVision OldWays podcast—a bridge between ancient wisdom and our modern lives. Explore forgotten philosophies and timeless theologies, reimagined for today’s challenges. From Confucius to smartphones, we unravel the threads of history and weave them into our present tapestry. Tune in for a fresh perspective on age-old questions and let's change the world together.
NewVision OldWays
Ep 27: Dr Martin Luther King - His Way Is Still The Best Way
NewVision OldWays Podcast
Ep 27: Dr Martin Luther King Jr - His Way Is Still The Best Way
Host: Tony Marinaccio //
Join me in not only celebrating the Birth and Wisdom of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, but I will show how his teachings are more relevant today than ever. Dr King was a man of the people, all people and did more to change for the better how we live than just about anyone since Jesus walked on this earth.
I point out how his teachings can be used in today's world and how we need his wisdom to unite us and bring us to a higher level of understanding that is severely lacking. I will point out examples of how our leaders today are failing us and how agenda media is causing fear mongering instead of the truth.
This episode is coming out a few days after Dr Kings birthday - but I am happy to extend the celebration a little longer.
As always, I thank you so much for listening and I appreciate all of you. Feel free to subscribe on you tube at my channel NewVision OldWays - YouTube
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