NewVision OldWays
Discover the NewVision OldWays podcast—a bridge between ancient wisdom and our modern lives. Explore forgotten philosophies and timeless theologies, reimagined for today’s challenges. From Confucius to smartphones, we unravel the threads of history and weave them into our present tapestry. Tune in for a fresh perspective on age-old questions and let's change the world together.
NewVision OldWays
Ep 23: Risk - Essential to All Success In Life
NewVision OldWays Podcast
Ep 23: Risk - Essential to All Success in Life
Host: Tony Marinaccio //
Join me for a GREAT episode on the subject of risk. I truly believe that risk enters into every decision we make no matter how mundane the decision seams, there will be risk involved.
Risk can be a truly feared thing or people can thrive on it. In this episode I delve into how we can overcome our fear of risk and turn it into a motivating factor that can broaden our horizons so that we can take hold of the opportunities that before we would have missed because we let fear guide us
Together in season 3, we will all start to gain the confidence to overcome many of the things that hold us back, and there is no better place to start than risk.
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