NewVision OldWays
Discover the NewVision OldWays podcast—a bridge between ancient wisdom and our modern lives. Explore forgotten philosophies and timeless theologies, reimagined for today’s challenges. From Confucius to smartphones, we unravel the threads of history and weave them into our present tapestry. Tune in for a fresh perspective on age-old questions and let's change the world together.
NewVision OldWays
Ep 16: You Have a New Mindset - Now What?
Ep 16: You have a New Mindset - Now What?
Host: Tony Marinaccio //
You have done all the hard work of changing your life and getting a New Vision, but what do you do now? Well that's exactly what I will be discussing in this episode. Avoid the pitfalls of feeling overwhelmed with what to do next.
I will discuss techniques that can help you avoid getting stuck at the starting gate and will help you get the journey started and stay on the right path.
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